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Liminals is an ongoing project exploring the spaces in between. The ephemeral, the transitional, the confusing, the insubstantial. In the complexity of our sentient brains, we flounder from thought to thought on a never-ending treadmill of decisions. Our entire world feels like it is in a place of flux and uncertainty. The future of our environment is on the edge of destruction yet we feel helpless to elicit any substantial changes. We spend more and more of our time connected to electronic devices in a created non-physical world while eschewing actual human connection. Liminals started as a way for me to cope with those uncomfortable confusing mental states. The quiet repetitive stitching quiets my brain and helps to connect me with something larger than my human condition.

The forms themselves are reminiscent of tree or human limbs reaching and relating to one another in an undefined and everchanging environment. 



Liminals Clarissa Callesen
64" x 16" x 4"
recycled textiles, fur, thread
Liminal Relations Clarissa Callesen
Liminals (detail) Clarissa Callesen
Liminals (detail) Clarissa Callesen
Liminal Relations (detail) Clarissa Callesen
Liminal Relations
Liminal Relations
40"x 8"x 3"
recycled textiles
Liminal Relations Clarissa Callesen
Liminal Relations Clarissa Callesen
Liminals Installation View
i.e. gallery  2017
Liminal Relations Installation View
i.e. gallery  2017
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